Spotlight Clients

Strong Boss Project

By February 25, 2022 No Comments

Hi, I am Phil, and I run the Strong Boss Project.

An online strength and fitness program that is ideal for the busy professional who wants to get fit, shift some weight and increase their energy and confidence for themselves, family, career and their free time. When you are fitter, stronger, healthier and eating better your natural energy aligns and your mind opens.

So if you are getting that stuck in a rut feeling and know this isn’t good for your future health or mood then putting that flag in the ground now and starting a new way of living is going to be right move!And will help with that golf swing too!

To promote my unique online program I am offering a very special offer – Sign up for 3 months, and get a 4th month free.

Plus, you could potentially be helping a very worthwhile cause too, when you join and see and feel the positive changes and feel like someone you know could benefit, then if you refer them and they sign up then 5% of the fee will be donated to the NSPCC.

I am excited to be able to tie up with Royston golf club and offer my services to all that play here so they can get the guidance, support and plan to ensure they are living and working at their optimum level (and playing too!)